About Us

NDJCG is a pioneer in providing professional education in the field of MPC, BiPc, CEC, MEC & HEC. Students are given highest standard of education and are prepared for successful career.

Our Promise

Our Aim is to help students become all rounded individuals who can make sound career choices, communicate effectively and become leaders in their chosen filed. Education at NDJCG carries a strong emphasis on foundational knowledge, through academic research based on rigorous pedagogy and hands-on experience with real world challenges.

Students receive a world class education through a veritable mix of great content, expert faculty & usage of technology for higher engagement and real-world application.

Why New Deccan Jr College?


Students are taught by faculty handpicked amongst Industry’s best.

Clean, Spacious, well lit and AC campus so students get the right ambience to study.

Student – Teacher ratio is maintained so as to enable teachers work effectively on each student development.

A continuum of academics and Deeni taleem for all-round development of  students.

Ergonomic seating, Air Conditioned classes with Ambient, well lit and ventilated classrooms & labs.

Our Salient Features